13 July 2020

Live Selling Tips for Facebook and Instagram

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At the OFFPRICE Show, we’re loving all the live Facebook and Instagram selling events that our buyers are using to stay connected to their customers through COVID-19. It’s an effective (and free!) tool to continue making money while many consumers feel less comfortable browsing in-store.
Even better, most shoppers already have social accounts and are actively watching video content. According to Omnicore, “100 million hours of video are watched on Facebook every day.”
While we might not be able to guarantee 100 million hours of views on your live feed, we did come up with a few tips to ensure success on your next live video…
Promote before you produce
“While most of the content we post is followed up with consistent promotion, it’s important to remember live videos are more like an event than a blog post,” says Joe Huber with Sprout Social. “In other words, you need to generate interest before the experience if you want to get that all-important viewership.”
Try different avenues to let your shoppers know about your live event: post the date and time on your social media, share it in your newsletter updates, and make sure it’s noted on your website. Incentivize customers to watch, share, or comment before your live session with the chance to win a giveaway. Do what you can to give customers notice before your live event hits their notifications.
Don’t cater to the fashionably late
Have you ever hopped on a live shopping event or video, only to watch an awkward 5 minutes of the host staring silently at their screen or applying makeup as they say, “We’re just going to wait a few minutes for more people to join.” Yeah, don’t do that!
If you’re telling your customers to wait for other shoppers, you’re not giving them the special VIP feels they’re looking for in your live video. Instead, call out some loyal customers that you recognize, give them a sneak peek at a new shipment, or even talk about your day! Any face-to-face time your shoppers share with your brand should be used wisely—don’t leave ‘em hanging!
Don’t be overly polished
Consumers are more interested in live, uncut videos that reveal the behind-the-scenes of your business, than they are in corporate-feeling content. As a business owner, your voice is unique and your brand story is inspiring! Let your personality shine through and give your authentic brand the chance to lead the way. 
Before filming, create a brief outline of how you’d like your video to play out. Keep short bullet points of notes close by if-needed, but don’t read from a script. No matter how much you practice, your audience can always tell. Instead, talk to your customers like you would when they’re in-store!
Enlist some help
Oh, we know you’re capable of many great things. But, we recommend finding some friends or staff who are able to help your live video run as smoothly as possible. 
While you’re busy hosting the video, showcasing products, and engaging with your viewers, your team can help respond to customer questions and comments. Make sure everyone has the same answers to key questions about your retail store, ordering process, return and exchange policies, and more.  
Your shoppers might not be able to try-on before buying during COVID-19, but you can still show off your products on-model during a live video. Small accessories, scarves, cardigans and other items that can easily be taken on or off can be showcased by you as the host, and other items that may need a dressing room can be modeled by your team. Of course, not all items need to be displayed on-model, but try displaying a few items you’d like to highlight or need some extra help moving through your inventory.
Refresh your inventory with OFFPRICE Show exhibitors through our online marketplace OFFPRICE365.com. For questions, reach out to Mikaela Kornowski, Marketing Manager at 262-754-6906 or mkornowski@offpriceshow.com.


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