06 May 2020

Boutique: an in-demand feature area at OFFPRICE

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Boutique by definition: noun. a small shop or a small specialty department within a larger store, especially one that sells fashionable clothes and accessories or a special selection of other merchandise. Any small, exclusive business offering customized service.
A small shop or specialty department within a larger store…that is exactly what the Boutique section is at OFFPRICE Show in Las Vegas. Boutique is an evolving section that showcases products at an elevated price point from other brands within the show. Most Boutique brands have a price point of around $15 dollars and up, and offer a unique selection of styles with in their brand. It’s a great place for specialty stores to source products with great margin builders, but still remain unique, stylish and current for their customers. 
Many buyers are pleased to find higher-end brands they know exhibiting in the feature area, because they have first-pick at the seller’s off-price line or show specials in the styles and patterns they love. These exhibitors may exhibit elsewhere at higher price points, and save their best-priced items for OFFPRICE. 
Owning a brick-and-mortar or online store is getting more and more competitive. New boutiques are popping up frequently, so sourcing unique and affordable products is important to help the buyer set their store apart. Vendors are recognizing that and turning to the Boutique section to highlight some of their higher price point products and, in-turn, capturing a new audience of buyers. 
In today’s environment, buyers are more judicial with their open-to-buy dollars and are turning to OFFPRICE to help their dollars go farther and margins grow larger. Items in boutique are mostly current-season products, over-cuts, or styles from a past season that are still relevant to any store. You will not necessarily find futured-out products, but you will find on-trend and current merchandise. 
This is an in-demand category at OFFPRICE and we are seeing new vendors expanding into this section every show. Boutique is a section that should be sourced by all buyers looking to be unique and on-trend, all while staying within their budget. 
Shop Boutique merchandise today at OFFPRICE365.com. For questions about the Boutique section, contact Patrice Bouchard at 262-754-6905 or email her at pbouchard@offpriceshow.com.


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