19 December 2022

5 Ways Technology Can Bring Ease of Use to Your Physical Retail Store

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by Fiza Khan
In the digital age, physical stores have a new set of challenges. Many customers are willing to purchase products online and have grown accustomed to the ease of virtual shopping. This has resulted in a shift in preference for many shoppers; almost one-third of Americans now prefer to shop online rather than visit traditional retail stores. To remain relevant in today’s retail space, it’s important that your physical store offers an experience that is just as convenient as shopping online. Failing to meet customer expectations could result in losing sales or alienating potential customers. This blog post covers five ways technology can bring ease of use to your physical retail store. As an added bonus, each of these tips also helps you save money on operational costs.
Make Your Store Smarter 
One of the best ways to make your store more useful is to make it smarter. A connected store is a step above a traditional brick-and-mortar shop because it enables retailers to collect and analyze important data. A connected retail store can help you better understand your customers and create a more personalized shopping experience. You can use data from connected devices like cameras, sensors, and RFID scanners (security tags are the simplest way for your business to keep track of inventory, shipments, and protect against theft. Small, inexpensive, and effective, if you don't currently use them then you need to seriously reconsider!) to track customer habits and behaviors. This information can help you identify areas where you can improve your overall service. There are many ways to make your store smarter. You can start by adding indoor mapping to your retail location. This type of program offers interactive indoor maps that help shoppers and associates find the most efficient route through your store, and locating items on their shopping lists. (Walmart does a great job of this - showing exactly where to find the item in store.) This will help you better manage your employees and maximize space. Another option is installing beacons that send push notifications to customers’ smartphones. Beacons can help customers navigate your store, locate products, and receive exclusive deals and special offers while they’re inside. 
Organizational Help from Electronic Shelving
Electronic shelving offers endless benefits that can massively improve your store’s efficiency and organization. Not only does it allow retailers to track items and forecast inventory needs, but it can also be fully integrated with your store’s point of sale system. Electronic shelving offers many benefits that can help improve organization at your retail store. These include: These features make electronic shelving a practical solution for retail stores of all types and sizes. Whether you’re running a small boutique or a large department store, electronic shelving can help you keep your products organized and easy to find. Electronic shelving is a relatively inexpensive investment that can pay off greatly in the long run. It’s important to keep in mind that the type of shelving you choose will depend on the size of your inventory and sales.
Virtual Assisted Shopping
One of the most valuable ways to make your physical retail store more convenient is by implementing virtual assisted shopping. VAS is an interactive tool that allows customers to get a 360-degree view of products, request information about items, and even purchase them online. Electronic VAS tools can be used in a variety of ways to enhance the shopping experience. They can help customers find products faster, identify better ways to use them, and ultimately make purchases more quickly. VAS tools can also allow you to provide information about products that may not be available in-store. This includes things like product reviews, instructional videos, and images that give customers a closer look at a product from different angles. VAS tools can be implemented across multiple channels, including your website, mobile app, and social media pages. The best way to decide which platform is right for you is to consider what your customers are already using. By choosing a VAS tool that customers are already familiar with, you can easily integrate it with the rest of your business. This helps customers make purchases seamlessly and efficiently.
Video Capture for Customer Feedback
One of the easiest ways to make your store more convenient is by implementing a video capture system. Video capture is a feature that allows you to accept feedback from customers both in-person and remotely. A video capture system can help you better understand what customers want from your business. It can also give you insight into aspects of your business that need improvement. A video capture system can be used in a variety of ways, including:
  • Customer surveys - Make it easier for customers to give you feedback about their experience at your store.
  • Interviews - Get one-on-one interviews with customers to dig deeper into their needs and desires. 
  • Live polls - Use polls to engage customers and learn about their preferences.
Automated Inventory Management
Another way to make your physical store more convenient is by managing your inventory automatically. With an automated inventory system, you can track your inventory, order when needed, receive notifications when you need to reorder, and even send alerts when items are running low. Automated inventory management can help you identify ways to save time and money. It can also help you more effectively forecast customer demand so you can prevent inventory shortages. Automated inventory management can be used across many different platforms. You can use a software program, a service that integrates with your existing software, or even a piece of hardware. And if you’re looking to source products, look no further because OFFPRICE connects retailers with wholesalers and manufacturers. It is the perfect market place where you can find suppliers with expertise in every field, including apparel, footwear and accessories.
Physical retail stores are constantly evolving in order to better serve their customers. Technology has made it easier than ever to integrate helpful tools into a retail operation. These five ways technology can bring ease of use to your physical retail store. By making your store smarter, easier to navigate, and easier to shop at, you can increase customer satisfaction and improve your bottom line.



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