08 September 2022

The Importance of Fashion Accessories: 6 Reasons Boutique Owners Need to Include Them in Their Business

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By: Fiza Kahn

The word “accessories” conjures up images of handbags and headbands. However, fashion accessories are much more than that. Apart from being a staple in every fashionable woman’s closet, they can also be an excellent source of revenue for your boutique business. Whether it is a hat, gloves, scarf or even something like brooches and necklaces, fashion accessories are a great way to give your customers more value for their money. Here is why you should focus on adding more accessories to your product assortment.

1. Help retain customers and attract new ones

Depending on the type of accessories you stock, they can act as an excellent retention tool. For example, a scarf that your customers loved with their last purchase is a great way to remind them to come back again. Accessories like handbags and shoes can be a core product in your shop, or they can be an add-on that compliments core products, increasing the overall value of that item. People will buy these items year after year, and it helps the store to create a curated display that shows customers elevated outfits with multiple products.

Since customers are always looking for reasons to return to a store they like, fashion accessories are a great way to retain shoppers. Accessories can also help you attract new customers. This can be done by stocking accessories that are unique to your store.

There are a variety of options such as belt bags or hair accessories that can help your customers keep up with the latest trends without blowing their budget. While apparel and footwear can be more of an investment, savvy shoppers (and boutiques owners) know that accessories are a MAJOR KEY to staying “in vogue”, season after season.

When it comes to unique designs, OFFPRICE Show’s vendors can be your best bet. They offer large catalogs of trending items and can deliver products within a few days of receiving an order. Above all, our vendors specialize in providing high-quality merchandise at the right price.

2. Increase average order value

Well-curated accessories offerings will lead to customers buy more than one item with each purchase. For example, instead of just selling handbags, you can create a bundle that comes with a few different colored straps and a couple of different styles. This way, your customers feel as if they are getting more for their buck by purchasing a handbag that allows them to change up the style with a fun new strap on any given day. Check out one of our leading vendors, Nima Accessories, for some amazing deals on this trend

On the other hand, a pair of gloves usually costs around $10 and are usually bought together with a scarf. So, by encouraging customers to buy a pair of gloves with their scarf purchase, you can increase the average order value. This is an excellent way to increase your average order value. You can even inform your customers that a particular accessory is intended to be bought in pairs. So, if they buy one, they can feel free to buy the other at a reduced price as well.

3. Provide diversity in your product offering

You probably already know that accessories com in a wide variety of types and categories. As a boutique owners, this means that you have the ability to offer a great product assortment, year-round, with low risk to your bottom line.

This is important if you have limited space in your store. For example, if you sell beauty products, you can create a strong assortment of items within one relatively small display. Once again, it is important to curate a selection of products that pair well together, such as a mix of make up and skin care, or spa items and nail polish. Beauty merchandise often comes in beautiful packaging that allow you to create visually impactful displays with little effort. Check out some OFFPRICE vendors who can help you introduce new categories, such as beauty, at low cost.

4. They’re a great way to showcase your design skills

If you want to build your reputation as a boutique owner, you need to showcase your design and styling skills. Accessories are a great way to do so. For example, you can ask for customer input on the types of bags they like and partner with vendors to customize a line of styles that are unique to your store. This can be customized with embroidery or graphics that speak to your customers lifestyle. More than ever, consumers want to have a say in design process for the stuff they buy. And they want to feel like it was made for them. By including them in the decision making process of new produtcs, this builds trust, loyalty, and can be a great source of revenue for your store.

This is also a great way drive online engagement. We all know the digital marketing game isn’t always easy to win. This is especially true on social media. Standing out is like trying to untie a Gordian knot; but one great way to do it is by offering one-of-a-kind products. You can find vendors who offper unique products or private labeling strategies at trade show such as OFFPRICE. Many companies offer low minimums and in-season availibility with quick turn-around. After all, finding the right vendors to partner with and produce at the right price is key to establishing a profitable business.

5. Offer flexibility in marketing strategies
It is important to understand that marketing strategies differ from one business to another.Trends change faster than the seasons. Accessories are a fantastic way to refresh your product assortment with new styles and stay on-trend without overhauling your entire store inventory. Accessories offer high margins, are easy to ship, and allow you to swiftly react to market shifts. For example, summer is coming and you can offer a discount on your wide variety of accessories that can be used as summer items such as scarves, headbands and shawls. Accessory items such as brooches and pins can be used to promote your store during special events such as Halloween, Christmas and New Year by creating pins that are related to the event.

6. Can be a unique selling point for your store

Some boutique owners decide to specialize in a certain type of fashion accessories that others don’t sell. This can be a great way to build a reputation for your boutique. When choosing products, search for brands that are aligned with your target customer’s values. It is important for boutique owners to recognize the subtle lifestyle preferences that make their customers unique. The more these products fit into your customer’s lifestyle, the more likely they are to purchase them. By spending more time understanding the values of your target customers, you can better select products that fit their lifestyles and drive more sales. For example, If you are in a town that is more 'outdoorsy', accessories are a great way to cater to your customer's hobbies such as hiking or skiing, even though you are not a sporting goods store.

Ultimately, accessories are an important part of every person’s wardrobe. They can also be an excellent source of revenue for your boutique business. Buyers should constantly look for inspiration and stay on trend when it comes to accessories throughout the season. Use this category as way to speak straight to your customer's soul. When you decide to be strategic with the type of accessories you to stock, they can help you retain customers, attract new ones, offer unique product assortment, and help set you apart from your competitors. 

Accessories are like essential vitamins for fashion businesses and there’s a good reason they are consistently the #1 category for buyers at OFFPRICE Show. It's because of the incredible selection and unique opportunities that can be found when shopping for accessories with our vendors.


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